Tuesday 21 August 2012

Priceless memorabilia

Been back for just over a week now and still finding it hard adjusting to normality.  I thought going back to work would help but the first day back yesterday was hard.  Driving to work just does not compare to walking along Stratford Bridge and onto the Olympic Park!  I guess as time goes by it will become easier.

I've managed to sort through my goodies from the Olympics and decided to frame a few of them.  I'd rather see them everyday, then have them archived away where nobody can see them.  The kids have been so excited at the sight of all my stuff that I enlisted their help to frame the goodies!  Check out their results below, a pretty awesome attempt:

Well they are now all displayed proudly in my home, so I can show family and friends when they visit!

My thoughts are already turning to what I can do next.  Been thinking about the Winter Games, Russia or the Commonwealth Games, Glasgow in 2014.  I will endeavour to apply for the next Olympics in Rio in 2016 for defo - fingers crossed I am successful.  Could do with a nice holiday in Brazil!

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