Saturday 1 September 2012

Olympic fever has returned......

So the opening ceremony for the paras kicked off in great style and as a result Olympic fever has returned!  It was great to see such a contrast between the 2 opening ceremonies, both very different and both amazing to watch.

The amazing paralympic logo
I've received my email to enter the draw for the victory parade for the Olympics, taking place on the 10th September, which I've entered, so fingers crossed I am selected and can take part.  If I am unsuccessful then I am will be lining the route with fellow volunteers anyway, so for me, it's a win win situation!  So looking forward to going back to London Town again on the 10th and meeting up with some great friends.  I've missed the hustle and bustle, volunteers and Olympic atmosphere of London Town since returning from the games.

Quite a few volunteers I've kept in touch with are now back again volunteering at the paras.  I'm envious that I didn't get the opportunity again but the pressure of work and lack of leave prevented me from going.  I'll have to settle for watching the sport on the TV this time, rather than actually being there.  Although it does seem rather surreal to see the sport in the Aquatics Centre, especially as I was based there during the Olympics.  Proof below that I was there, not that anyone needs reminding of the fact! 

The amazing Aquatics Centre, with the whale like roof!

I am amazed and now know why the athletes taking part are called 'super humans!'  I recently watched team GB play Germany at basketball and they game was amazing.  Extremely aggressive, very physical and great to watch.  It's unbelievable how these athletes are able to perform so well and don't allow their disability to hinder them in any way!  If spectators are not inspired to get of their backsides and do something after watching them, then I don't know what else will motivate them.

Looking forward to watching the remainder of the paras, especially some new and interesting sports!  Also keeping my fingers crossed that I am successful and can take part in the victory parade on the 10th, watch this space!

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