Tuesday 21 August 2012

Priceless memorabilia

Been back for just over a week now and still finding it hard adjusting to normality.  I thought going back to work would help but the first day back yesterday was hard.  Driving to work just does not compare to walking along Stratford Bridge and onto the Olympic Park!  I guess as time goes by it will become easier.

I've managed to sort through my goodies from the Olympics and decided to frame a few of them.  I'd rather see them everyday, then have them archived away where nobody can see them.  The kids have been so excited at the sight of all my stuff that I enlisted their help to frame the goodies!  Check out their results below, a pretty awesome attempt:

Well they are now all displayed proudly in my home, so I can show family and friends when they visit!

My thoughts are already turning to what I can do next.  Been thinking about the Winter Games, Russia or the Commonwealth Games, Glasgow in 2014.  I will endeavour to apply for the next Olympics in Rio in 2016 for defo - fingers crossed I am successful.  Could do with a nice holiday in Brazil!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Volunteers Games Maker goodies!

Trying to sort through my mammoth collection of items I've seemed to have collated over the last three weeks but cannot sum up the energy to do anything.  Think I have Games fever!!!  I want to go back to the Olympic Park and meet up with fellow volunteer Games Makers again, missing them and the hussle and bussle of Olympic life!

The best ticketing team ever!

Whilst working as a volunteer and checking in for a shift I was given limited edition pin badges to help me along the way through my shifts.  After every couple of shifts I was awarded a pin badge, until I had the full collection of Gold, Silver, Bronze and multi-coloured pin badges.  This was a great idea, helped with motivation and also an incentive to complete my shifts, not that I needed one! 

Awarded to me for my shift work!
 Once I had completed my final shift I received a few more surprises for all my gallant efforts as a volunteer. 

My final pin badge - thank you Jacques!

Great certificate!
 The best gift of all, baton for all volunteer Games Makers.  This is an absolute awesome present and will be displayed proudly.

Monday 13 August 2012

Adios, auf wiedersehen, au revoir for now!

So the 30th Olympiad had finally come to an end.  From the winning bid to years of prep, months and weeks of training, I've completed my final shift, arrived home, saddened that the Olympic bubble that I have been living in has finally burst, but all good things must come to an inevitable end!

I've met some realy truly amazing volunteer Games Makers, seen spectators from all over the world and still can not believe I helped to host the greatest show on earth.  What a show it was!  Team GB securing more gold medals than we ever thought was possible, what a party the opening and closing ceremonies where!  So so many memories, so many smiles, great experiences, many many favourite and special moments, which will live with me forever.  Feeling rather down now and missing the day to day activity of the Olympic Park I am finding it hard to complete this blog entry!

As a way to compensate, my thoughts are already turning towards my next adventure - maybe the Glasgow commonwealth games in 2014, perhaps Sochi Winter games in 2014 or even Rio in 2016 - decisions, decisions!!!

Friendships are born on the field of athletic strife and are the real gold of competition. Awards become corroded, friends gather no dust.
We will never forget the smiles, the kindness and the support of the wonderful volunteers (Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee)

Saturday 11 August 2012

Volunteer Games Makers army rules!

It's hard to believe its my final night in London Town, as tomorrow will be my last shift on the Olympic Park.  Saddened at the thought of leaving the Olympic bubble that I've been living in over the last two and half weeks!  What's making it even worse is that I have made some great friendships with a fantastic bunch of volunteer Games Makers.  We laughed, some cried, our feet ached, so did our legs but ultimately we made the best of this amazing situation!  Not only have I met volunteers from all over the UK, but from many European countries as well.  I've forged some great friendships, already taken contact details as there is talk of a reunion next Summer!

The publicity in the press and media has been overwhelming, it has helped motivate the volunteers more than ever.  I never expected that such a huge bunch of volunteers would make a great impact on the spectator experience!  Some links below, highlighting just how great we have been:

We certainly have made the games exceptional, hosted the world and exceeded all expectations.  My Games Maker family will be missed greatly :(  A couple of pics below, which just captures the whole essence of some of the crazy but wonderful volunteers that I've had the pleasure to work with!

Wednesday 8 August 2012

A megaphone, scanner & the police

Wow, unbelievable, just over half way through my Olympic shifts!  We had been told at training that time would be pass quick but did not realise just how fast.  I am living and breathing in an Olympic bubble and don't want this fantastic experience to end so soon!

I've spent the last couple of shifts validating and scanning tickets, helping with ticket resolution and finally got to a go on a megaphone (no wise cracks please)!  The megaphone was an experience, I had to prevent the build-up of queues of spectators and help deal with bottle necks.  Well, spectators are like sheep, like to follow and don't listen.  To be honest, they are so excited at being present at the Olympics, they tend to wonder all over and are oblivious to what's going on around them!  Even though I was quite clear and vocal with my instructions via the megaphone, I might as well have been talking to myself.  By the end of this shift I was more than ready to hand the megaphone back - never again!

Ticketing is great, I get to meet not only all the excited spectators, from all over the  world, prior to going into the venue, but get to work with a great bunch of volunteers as well.  I've been meeting some really excited and keen volunteers, with whom I have been sharing this immense experience with and will remain in touch afterwards.  Met, for a very brief moment, as he scurried on by, Sir Steve Redgrave on this shift.  Unfortunately because he was in a hurry I didn't get the opportunity to take a pic!

The calm before the storm
Scanning wars!!!
A mass exodus (egress) after the swimming!

Pin badges, this is not familiar territory but apparently it's very popular at every Olympic games.  Keen enthusiast's collect pin badges from all over the world, from different Olympics they have attended, and then gather at Olympic games time to swop these badges.  I was amazed at how many spectators are involved in this hobby and the vast variety of badges that are available.  Volunteers have too been receiving Games maker pin badges every now and then when we check-in for our shifts.  To date I have a multi-coloured, bronze and silver one and I guess, as some point, I will be receiving my gold badge!  It's great that we are receiving these freebies, to help keep the spirits and motivational levels of volunteers up - every little bit helps!

My limited edition pin badges!

The armed forces, police and other security teams have had a great presence at the Olympic games.  They are constantly in high spirits, just like us volunteers, and join in the carnival games atmosphere that is present around London Town!  This, by far, is one of my favourite pictures to date.

Strike a pose!

Saturday 4 August 2012

What an Olympic first week!

Day off today, time to relax (finally), reflect and take in what has happened during this fantastic week.  So much has happened, seen so many sites, met millions of people, amazing venues, great experiences, awesome memories, which will be with me for the rest of my life!  I am exhausted thinking about it.

Day one was amazing, busy working with a great bunch of volunteers.  All of us mega excited to be part of such a momentous occasion.  Spent the day checking accreditation for press, media and Olympic family.  Great to meet such a variety of people, from all over the world.  Managed to sneak inside to take a pic or two, especially when Becky was swimming for the qualifiers!  The atmosphere was electric, the entire venue exploded with cheering, shouting, clapping and support for Becky.  She did us proud, qualified and was awarded a bronze medal for all her hard work.  Big congrats to Becky, well done!!!

Inside the amazing whale shaped Aquatics Centre
Spent the next couple of days validating tickets, scanning tickets and assisting with ticket resolution.  It's surprising how many spectators arrived at the wrong venue, for the wrong session and some managed to turn up without their ticket.  I guess they are over excited by the sense of the occasion and who can blame them.  You'd think after spending hundreds of pounds on tickets spectators would be more prepared! 

Managed to spot a celeb or two, Sharron Davies, Gary Lineker, David Cameron, the French President and DJ Chris Evans to name a few. The best part of this day was seeing all the spectators, many dressed from head to toe in their country colours and costumes, with their respective flags of support.  Some fantastic wigs, entire Team GB suits, leggings, dresses, t-shirts, you name it, the spectators where wearing it!  Amazing face paints, awesome traditional dress and many many more colourful sites!

My first day off was spent back on the Olympic Park, this time in the magnificent Copper Box.  Watched Team GB play Handball against Sweden.  A great opportunity for me to see another venue and experience a different part of the massive Olympic Park.  An interesting Olympic sport, took some getting used to and I could tell from the off that this was not something the Team GB would excel at, Sweden beat us by a slight margin, 42-19!  It was obvious that Sweden where on a different level, the players where taller, faster and played tactically - much better.  The entire album from the game can be viewed here.

Team GB, arriving into a packed venue ahead of the Handball!
The next shift involved working inside the Aquatics seating bowl.  This mainly comprised of showing spectators to the relevant block and seat.  This was an interesting position to work in and was extremely stressful at times.  Queues soon built up, especially prior to the start of competitions.  I had to ensure that main stairwells kept clear and spectators did not stand and/or block the accessible seating viewing area.  I managed to take a pic for my collection of some of the volunteer team that I worked with on this shift, what a great bunch they are!

Team Aquatics - woohoo!
Thursday was a fantastic day, with a much needed family visit to the Olympic Park!  Not that I needed anymore of a boost, but it's always a welcome treat to meet up with loved ones! Spent the afternoon having a stroll around the Park, soaking up the atmosphere and showing the family around my 'home'!  It was quite surreal finally seeing them on the Park, where I had been training and working for so long!  The entire family was just as amazed at the size of the Park, structures and venues.  We walked as much as we could, but it was difficult to get around the entire park without the kids getting tired.  Spent a fortune in the London 2012 Mega Store, but we are only going to be here once so what the heck!  The album from the family visit can be seen via my Facebook page here.  Here is my favourite picture from the day!

The Chaudry's at the Olympic Park

The final day from week one had arrived so quick!  It was hard to believe after all this build up I was half way through this great experience.  Met up with a friend from work, again, like the family meet, it was surreal to meet people you know from your 'proper' job in this amazing environment.  Only had five minutes or so for a quick catch-up, as I was waiting to be deployed to my post for the final shift of the week.

To sum up, I am a little saddened but also amazed just how quick the week as flown by.  The experience and atmosphere is out of this world, unreal, nothing like I have ever experienced before in my life.  Meeting people from all over the world, all the different cultures, has by far been the best part of the whole experience to date.  Hope Team GB continue to rise up the medal table and keep the pressure up!  Looking forward to seeing what the week ahead will bring for both all the competing athletes and for my final week as an Olympic volunteer.