Friday 29 June 2012

Nottingham welcomes the Olympic Torch

The Olympic Torch Relay finally arrived in Nottingham and what an emotional and immense 2 days it has been!!!  I followed it's progress yesterday in the Old Market Square, Nottingham and again this morning on Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham. 

On Thursday it absolutely chucked it down with rain for the majority of the day and we had an awesome thunderstorm in the afternoon.  Apparently this was the most challenging day so far for the Olympic Torch Relay.  It made it's way through Mansfield inside the vehicles as the weather prevented anyone from running with the torch!  By the time it arrived into Nottingham the rain had stopped and the sun began to shine, thank goodness!

I made my way into the Old Market Square, Nottingham to meet my wife and children.  It was packed, heaving with excitement, approx. 18,000 people had turned out to welcome the torch to Nottingham.  The atmosphere was electric, full of excited people, a carnival feeling all around!  We waited patiently for the torch relay to begin.  Wow - we knew when the torch relay was here, the whole place erupted, people shouting, screaming, clapping as the relay made it's way around the square and stopped in front of the council house.  I was feeling quite emotional, games time on the Olympic Park will certainly be a challenge!!!  Two local celebs carried the torch through the city centre, see below.

Guess who?!

The next morning I was meeting the Olympic Torch Relay again but this time on Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham.  Again as we waited for the Olympic Torch Relay the heavens opended.  Not sure what is happening with the weather this year but we've had a very little Summer.  I am sooooo hoping that come July and games time that we have no rain and it remains dry, fingers crossed hey!

Just like yesterday, as the Olympic Torch Relay arrived so too did the sun, woohoo.  Again the atmosphere was euphoric, lots of people cheering and school children clapping with excitement.  I noticed there where lots more children here today than yesterday but I guess this was because the Olympic Torch Relay was passing prior to school time.  I was close to the relay and managed to take some great pics, a couple are shown below.  The remainder can be seen on my Facebook album.

Finally, in one weeks time I will be having my final reccy of the Olympic Park.  I will of course report back on my experience in my next blog entry :)

Crowds waiting in anticipation on Jubilee Campus

Proud torch bearer running through Jubilee Campus

Saturday 23 June 2012

Mega excitement - Olympic ticket arrives :)

Woohoo, postman finally delivered my Olympic ticket today!  I was very surprised with the security from booking through to delivery of the ticket.  I received an email yesterday informing me that the ticket will be delivered today.  Had to sign for it when the postman came.  He knew exactly what it was, as he remarked someones going to be going to the Olympics!  Then received another follow-up email again shortly after delivery, notifying me that the ticket had been delivered - impressive!

So, not only will I be working on the Olympic Park during the Olympics but will also get the opportunity to be a spectator!  I will be able to experience what it'll be like to be met by fellow volunteers and shown to the venue, as opposed to being on the other side and greeting spectators.  Between my shifts I'll have the opportunity to soak up the Olympic atmosphere around the Olympic Park, take plenty of pics and experience an event in the Copper Box - how excited am I on a scale of one to ten, off the scale I tell yah!!! 

Check out the pics below of the Copper Box, another great venue on the Olympic Park that I'll get to experience.

Copper Box - external

Copper Box - internal

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Publicity shots in my Olympic uniform!

Woohoo, spent the morning around the University of Nottingham campus, in particularly the swimming pool, taking publicity shots in my Olympic uniform.  Met the photographer at 8.15am and got straight to work, snapping pics outside the swimming pool.  Luckily the sun was shining and I didn't need to use my Olympic branded umbrella, let's hope it's the same for games time hey.  After several outside shots I was getting tired of trying to smile, now know what it feels like to do this for a living!  It became painful after a while to keep smiling but somehow I managed it :)


It was time to go inside to get some indoor pics.  I heard the announcement over radio to the lifeguards informing them of what we was going on and to let swimmers know, just in case they asked.  It was quite warm inside and a great opportunity to test out my uniform in similar conditions to that of the Aquatics Centre. Again, walking around the pool, posing and smiling - couldn't do this for a living, it's hard work to have a continuous smile on my face!

The pictures are to be used to promote Olympics and the University of Nottingham, as we have several current and former students who are competing as athletes, as well as a handful of staff taking part in the Olympics as volunteers!

Saturday 9 June 2012

Minus 50 days and counting.......

Wow, less than 50 days to go and the Olympics will be in full swing!  Olympic fever will be widespread and the world will be glued to the opening ceremony - whoop whoop!  Time seems to be accelerating and its hard to comprehend next month will actually be the Olympics.  After years and years of preparation and weeks spent at test events and training, fingers crossed all will go without a hitch, only time will tell.

50 days and counting!

I have reached another milestone in my Olympic journey, my blog has exceeded more than 1,000 views!  A massive heartful thanks to all who have taken the time read my entries and I hope you continue to do so, especially as we accelerate towards the opening ceremony.  I will endeavour to do my best and write some daily entries during the games themselves but not sure if this will be possible after working a 10 hour day!

The torch is rapidly making its way around the country and it won't be long before I get the chance to see it in Nottingham.  The torch arrives into the Old Market Square on day 41 of the relay, in the evening of the 28th of June.  Exact street location and timings can be seen here.  More information on what will be happening can be found here.

As the torch leaves Nottingham on day 42 (29th of June) click here to see the route and timings as it exits Nottingham.  The entire route and information about the torch relay can be seen here.

Monday 4 June 2012

Venue specific training date - at last!

Woohoo, as the Olympic torch relay makes it's way around the country, I finally have my venue specific training date!  This is the final chapter in my training for becoming an Olympic volunteer.  The next time will be my first shift at games times, unbelievable how fast the time is going.

So, with just over fifty days remaining until games time I will paying my final visit to the Olympic Park on Saturday 7th July!  This will be the only time I get to reccy not only the venue I will be working in but also the surrounding park, now that all the construction, landscaping and sculptures are complete.

So here is my main base for Summer, jealous, course you are!!!

This is one of the most awesome structures based on the Olympic Park and I think one of the most unique and attractive ones at that.  I can not wait to revisit this and the Olympic Park again in a few weeks, with unrestricted access!

So let's take a look at the entire Olympic Park, as it stands today here.  As you can see the park is enormous and there is more than enough to see and do.  Don't forget you can visit the park by purchasing an Olympic Park day pass here

An Olympic Park day pass allows you to see any sport in the Olympic Park, other than Athletics, Cycling or Swimming and some finals. Day passes allow you general admission entry to sports on a first come, first served basis and are subject to availability.