Thursday 26 July 2012

Awesome opening ceremony rehearsal!

After an emotional farewell from family and friends in Nottingham I finally arrived at my destination for the Olympics yesterday morning. What a scorcher, 32 degrees in London Town! I unpacked, showered, changed and headed straight for the Olympic Park.

The parameter was packed, full of eager people, waiting in anticipation, the atmosphere was carnival like and this was before I entered the stadium! As I passed the security checks, the size and scale of what was about to unfold finally hit me! Not sure it is was because the entire park was open or maybe it was seeing public roaming freely for the first time. People everywhere, fellow volunteers already in uniform working, press, media, police, army, security, a mixture of young and old, people of different casts and religions - wow, this place was buzzing!!!


As I manoeuvred around the place it soon became apparent just how enormous it actually is, mammoth venues, huge structures, beautiful landscaping, the biggest Macdonalds I have ever seen, plus a whole variety of other eating places. The sun was shining, not a cloud in sight and people as far as the eye could see - I had finally arrived for the Summer, and what a Summer it promises to be!

I made my way round to the main stadium, had my ticket scanned and was shown to my seat by fellow volunteers, something I will be doing next week! The stadium was huge, I've been to a few but nothing on this scale! Now to use an old cliche, to cut a story short, I am not allowed to log or show pictures of what happened next. The next three hours where absolutely amazing, what a performance, what a show! 10,000, yes 10,000 performers in the opening ceremony, a mixture of music, lights, singing and dancing! All I can say is that the entire nation are in for an absolute treat this Friday evening and I encourage you all to watch this amazing spectacle! It's nothing like Beijing and without being too biased it's fantastic! The highlight for me was when I heard Chariots of Fire being played around the stadium - what an emotional moment, this summed up the entire journey for me. I'm not afraid to admit I had a lump in my throat, the whole sense of occasion just took over - wow wow wow!

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