Sunday 6 May 2012

I have Olympic fever?!?

Wow wow wow - not sure where to begin, Olympic fever has certainly taken over this weekend and my poor family, especially my wife Farzana, has already had enough!!!  So what has happened over the last couple of days to snowball me into such a mad frenzy.  Well........

  • Less than 2012 hours to the London 2012 games
  • Collecting of Olympic uniform and official accreditation
  • The Olympic Flame will be lit in Greece on the 10th May and arrives in the UK in two weeks
  • My Olympic shifts have finally arrived :-)
  • The Olympic stadium, the centrepiece was officially opened yesterday

2012 hours to the London 2012 games
Yesterday marked a great milestone in the whole Olympic journey, less than 2012 hours to the London 2012 games.  It's hard to comprehend when the time frame is put into hours, wow, surely not?!  The excitement is crazy now and come games time it'll be electric.  With 82 days to go (not that I am counting) I am beginning to wonder if we will ever get a Summer and will this rain ever stop?!  Not sure if the rain will dampen spirits but it's something we could really do without.

Aquatics Centre to the left and the mammoth Olympic Stadium, the centrepiece to the right

Olympic uniform and official accreditation
In just over a week's time I will be collecting my Olympic uniform, official accreditation and oyster travel card.  Quite a few other volunteers have already collected their uniform and posted pictures on-line, I want mine now!!!  Also found out recently that all volunteers will be given a Swatch watch as well - bonus!!!  This is not compulsory to wear but part of the official uniform non the less. Personally I think it looks pretty smart and will certainly be wearing mine.

Swatch watch!

The Olympic Flame
The Olympic Flame will be lit in Greece on May 10th and arrives in the UK in under two weeks - wow what an historic moment!!!  The Olympic Flame, Torch and Relay draw on a history going back to the ancient Olympic Games in Greece.  The Torch and Relay were important elements of the cultural festivals surrounding the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece.
Representing peace, unity and friendship, as it makes its way across the UK on a 70-day journey it will bring the excitement of the Olympics to everyone. Find out more about the history and the Torch Relay here.

Ancient Greek ceremony!

My Olympic shifts
Wow, after what felt like weeks, days, hours of waiting, I finally have my email notifying me of my Olympic shifts!  Spread over the entire games, 10 shifts in total, with the earliest start being 7.00am and the latest finish being 11.45pm.  The shifts are quiet long but I guess the adrenaline, excitement and encouragement from fellow volunteers will make them pass with ease.  It is going to be an immense experience and I can only imagine what it'll feel like - woohoo!!!

I think I might need a holiday to recover!

The official opening of The Olympic Stadium
A nine-year-old girl who can see the Olympic Stadium from her bedroom window was given the unique opportunity to officially declare the centrepiece of the Games open, along with Seb Coe, the chairman of London 2012. Wow, what a memorable experience for the girl and another mammoth step in the journey towards the Olympics!  Read the full story and see the pictures here.

 The Olympic Stadium

So, now can you see why I have Olympic fever and it's not even games time yet lol!

For those of you lucky enough to get tickets, the latest map of the Olympic Park can be seen here, it's gigantic I tell yah!!!

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