Tuesday 17 April 2012

100 days and counting!!!

Wow, not sure where the time has gone and it's hard to believe that in 100 days the greatest show on earth will eventually kick-off.  The focus will be on London Town, as billions of people from across the world will zoom in on the opening ceremony!  The excitement is immense now, just image what it'll be like once the official opening ceremony has happened and the Games are in full swing!!!

Let the countdown begin!

The on line networking forums have been building steadily but since the test events the pace has certainly picked-up, with regular regional get togethers, useful tips from fellow volunteers and general chit chat leading up to games time!  It's been great exchanging banter with other volunteers, as well as sharing our experiences, after all there will be approx. 70,000 of us come games time.

I may be a slight fan!

The momentum has certainly stepped-up a gear, here are a few important dates coming up in my journey as an Olympic volunteer:-

  1. 16th May, uniform and accreditation collection
  2. 19th May, Olympic Torch Relay begins at Land's End
  3. June (tbc), final orientation of the Olympic Park
  4. July (tbc), start of my shifts
  5. 27th July, Olympic Games begin
  6. 24th August, Paralympic Torch Relay begins at London
  7. 29th August, Paralympic Games begin
Think it's going to be a busy Summer!!!  The latest image of the Olympic Park can be seen below.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park!

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