Thursday 17 May 2012

Collect Olympic Uniform - check!

It's finally here, after waiting for what seemed like an eternity, I finally have my Olympic uniform, plus other goodies!

Woke early (6.30am), even though my train was not until 10.30am but had to do the school run prior to catching the tram to the train station.  I think the kiddies were just as excited as me, when are we going to get to see it, was all I heard on the way to school.

I arrived at the train station for 10.00am and treated myself to a hot chocolate and a chocolate bar, not that I needed to be anymore alert but I thought what the heck!  The train left on time and I settled to read my latest book 'Provided You Don't Kiss Me, 20 Years with Brian Clough'.  It was a great read and I didn't put it down until I arrived at St Pancras.  What a great player, manager and some great stories :)

I made my way to West Ham via the herds of commuters, all barging their way pass and not giving a damn about anyone else, welcome to London Town!  I arrived at Star Lane and made my way to the distribution centre.  It was quite visible from the tube station, flags flying high with security standing outside, quite visible and not easy to miss.  I followed the other volunteers as we made our way in and once again I sensed the excitement that I felt when I first arrived for my test event back in February.

For security reasons I am not allowed to go into too much detail but the whole process took no more than an hour, from collecting accreditation to my uniform and other goodies. The volunteers who where working in the distribution centre where a credit to the games and certainly knew their stuff.  At every stage, each volunteer was just as pleasant and excited as the next, as I got passed from post to post, until I finally came out at the very end!  It was like being in a gigantic maze going from one section to the next, collecting my uniform as I progressed through each stages.

One thing I noticed and was quite surprised about was the absence of mirrors in the changing rooms, how odd?  I asked the official and it was because the officials are the only ones who are allowed to tell us how we should dress appropriately for the games.  I suppose this is to stop volunteers looking too scruffy, by wearing over-sized or too tight uniforms.  I guess with it being a uniform, we all need to look as uniformed as possible.
See for yourself what I got and how I look below, personally I think the uniform looks pretty smart.  Initially I was worried about the colour combination but since trying it all on it looks awesome :)





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