Tuesday 14 February 2012

The colossal Olympic structures!

I arrived onto the Olympic park in Stratford only to be met by airport style security.  Something for which I was not prepared for but would soon get used to in the run up to the Olympic games.  Once I had been searched I entered the Olympic park and was greeted by these gigantic Olympic structures.  Even though I'd seen them a few times on TV and on line, nothing can ever prepare you for them, especially as you come face-to-face to them!  I was standing on the Stratford walk, with the whopping Aquatics Centre to my left, followed by the spiralling Orbit structure.  The colossal Olympic Stadium was directly facing me and to my right was the immense Water Polo Arena.  In the distance I could just about make out the golf like Basketball Arena - I did not know which way to turn!  I stood trying to take in the scenery from all around and snap pictures as quickly as possible but unfortunately I was ushered forward to go and register along with all the volunteers.

The spiralling Orbit structure!

The colossal Olympic Stadium

The two gigantic structures standing side by side - amazing!
I was sent to register and collect my free travel card for the tube.  As part of signing up to be a volunteer, all travel in the underground, overground, DLR and local buses is paid for - bonus!  Next I collected my Adidas goodies for the diving event, which would be happening towards the end of February.  I was given a Adidas waterproof jacket, two t-shirts and my official my accreditation. 

One of the official sponsors, who are also providing all the training uniforms for all the test events

My official Adidas waterproof jacket!

One of my two Adidas t-shirts for the test events
Once I had collected my goodies I headed over to the briefing area and was met by fellow volunteers who would be working with me at the Olympics.  Here we were introduced to several other senior colleagues and then began the tour of the Aquatics Centre.  One thing that amazed me was the heat within the Aquatics centre.  The temperature has to remain a steady 28-30 degrees at all times - it was like a sauna!  I guess we'd get acclimatised to the heat once we start working. As we toured around it soon became apparent the size of the Aquatics Centre.  The structure housed a diving pool, the main swimming pool, a warm up pool and a soft pool to practise diving in.  Not to mention the changing rooms, VIP suites and areas for press and family!
    The main pool

    The diving pit

    Both pools side by side with amazing spectator views!
As we toured around the Aquatics Centre one fact that I found rather amusing was that apparently all hair dryers in the changing rooms had been fitted before any of the spectator seating!  I guess there's something to be said for the ego's of sports men and women :)

The temporary seating in the huge temporary wings seemed to expand endlessly into the roof of the Aquatics Centre.  As we climbed further and further up the sides of the temporary wings, it became hotter and hotter!  I can only begin to imagine what it'll be like at games time when the place will be full of spectators and all that adrenaline - better come dressed appropriately!

A bird's eye view from half way up the temporary wings!
Once the tour had ended it was time to say a farewell to the volunteers and head back home.  What a great afternoon, seeing only some of the mammoth Olympic Park, the inside of the Aquatics Centre and behind the scenes area.  The excitement was only heightened as we soon realised the next time we would all meet would be at the diving event at the end of February - bring it on London, let's prepare for the Olympic games!!!

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