Monday 20 February 2012

Aquatics Centre here I come!

It's the final countdown - I am almost packed and ready to go to my first test event.  Only one more working day in the office and then I'm off for the remainder of the week.  You will not believe how excited I am at the thought of spending the next few days on the Olympic Park, particularly in the Aquatics Centre.  I'm not sure how quickly tomorrow will pass but the end of the day can't come soon enough!!!

The awesome Aquatics Centre
My wife, Farzana, is already fed up at my constant reminders about the Olympics but believe me, these will become even more annoying, especially as I countdown towards the Summer!  God help her!  My uniform is packed, accreditation checked and packed plus a few extra layers as I will be based on the Startford walk - the direct bridge which leads to the gigantic Olympic stadium.  This is one of five bridges, all leading straight to the mammoth structure on the centre of the Olympic Park.  The Stratford walk, directly in front of the Aquatics Centre, can be seen clearly below.  Come the Summer this will be packed solid with spectators, volunteers, media, press etc, all eagerly scurrying around the Olympic Park!

Startford walk
The next time I write a blog entry it'll be after my first day's work!  I'll be exhausted, excited but the adrenaline rush will be enough to log the day's activities.  Wish me luck.

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